Refund Policy
Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you are not completely satisfied with any item you purchase from Summit Fabrications, LLC. return it to us within 15 days from the date of purchase for a refund of its purchase price. Your refund will be processed when the item being returned has been received. Refunds will be made by crediting the original method of payment or in the form of a check. Except in cases where the return is the result of an order processing error or the item arrives damaged or defective, original shipping charges are non-refundable and return shipping fees are the responsibility of the customer.
Send the item(s) to be returned in its original packaging to Summit Fabrications, LLC., 7A Corey Road, Cumberland Center, ME 04021. For your protection, we encourage you to send your return via UPS or FedEx. Please retain all copies of your shipping receipt, including tracking numbers, for proof of return delivery.
Shipping Error/Product Defect/Product Damage
If you have a return/exchange due to shipping error, defect, or damage, contact us within 10 days from receipt and we will provide you with simple instructions for returning the items(s) and instructions on the proper handling of the merchandise. A replacement item will be shipped to you once the item being returned has been received.
You may call and leave a message for customer service at: 1-800-210-9955 or email us at: